1. The way of the Heart
2. The path of Chakras
3. Trinity
4. Pyramid
5. Stone labyrinth
6. Venus flower
7. The layers of Time and the Eternal now, Marko Pogacnik
8. Caravan park
9. Energy
The initiator of this PROJECT IN PROGRESS is Elvira Isasi.
The project begins in 2004 and subsequently gains the support of her good friends:
Mona Bineck, Gundula Harlang, and later, Margan Kalb.
It all starts with the purchase of a plot of land on the slope of Mount El Caracol, which forms a triangle with Mount Cardon and Mount Tirba. Attracted by the power of this constellation, Artistirma's vision is realized.
Using resources of all kinds, energy in the form of creativity, manpower, people and ideas,
a jewel was created in the midst of Fuerteventura's semi-desert.
In geomancy we deal with the subtle levels and dimensions of the earth, people, other beings and existence in general.
The earth expresses the different levels, e. g. visibly above the topography, but also in invisible energy streams, power centers of different qualities, emotional consciousness of space...
Geomancy tries to explore the influence of this event on culture, tradition, historical events, social forms, legends and people in their daily lives and to point out the necessary changes or developmental steps and to put them into practice.
People have always felt power-giving places and landscapes, worshipped them as holy and cultivated the quality of space culturally.They have gone to the magically attractive or brightly lit places.
They honoured the forces and the subtle and visible landscape phenomena.
In this way, they made them more accessible and clearly perceptible. At these holy places/landscapes they built their cult centres such as stone circles, temple buildings..., later cherries.... which were then cultivated by selected people and rituals.
All the stone structures erected by human beings in such places then act like sound spaces, which are strengthened by the sacred activity of human beings. Similar to the belly of a guitar as resonance space, the sounds, the music and the language of the earth can be clarified. The increased vibrations have been consciously integrated into human life and activities.
The way of the Heart
Ascending the path to the finca, approaching your home, and following the trail of hearts,
you leave the outside world behind you.
Along the way you will find as many hearts as you need so that when you reach your destination,
your heart will smile in gratitude for the openness of your interior.
May this path envelop your soul and open and caress your heart.
The path of the Chakras
The chakras path on the grounds of Artis Tirma extends from the entrance up to the main house.
This is when a string of steles, which are held in the colors of the chakras. Starting at the entrance are the colors chosen according to the lower chakras and the subsequent shown to the end point.
This path is taken an "energy control system" basically. The path forms an energetic analogy to the energy centers in the body based on their color and their effect, but at the same time it is also a control system in the dark by the integrated solar lights. So it is possible to explore the area at night,
it is particularly charming under the full moon to see the different stone settings in a different light.
TRINIDAD is a steel floor sculpture, composed of three concentric circles.
Three rings and in the center of them there is a circular stone on which nature has drawn a perfect circle.
The stone comes from a trip to Findhorn, a meditation center, in northern Scotland.
Elvira personally brought the stone with her.
The sculpture has a diameter of 3 meters, the THREE is repeated as an allusion to its title.
Trinidad means (lat. Trinitas; altgr. Τριάς Trias). Christian theology describes the unity of God's nature in three persons or hypostases. These are called "Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit".
At the same time it expresses its distinction and its indissoluble unity.
These three significant rings are not accidentally located in the entrance area of the main building of Artis Tirma, but are intended to provide the visitor with light and harmony, guaranteeing energy at the entrance of the house.
It is also a tribute to TIA TRINI, whose full name is Trinidad.
Elvira's godmother, she lived with her until she was 97 years old.
So we have here again the THREE: the sculpture, the spiritual reference and the tribute to a strong woman who played an important role in the development of Artis Tirma and who is also considered an example of determination, discipline and love.
The pyramid project was created in its basic structure in 2004. The starting point was a hole dug in 2005,
a cylindrical shape dug into the ground with a diameter of 9 meters.
Throughout the year, various fire events and rituals were held here.
The project also addressed the exploration of basic geometric shapes, circles and squares, from which the pyramid approach was developed with the help of an architect friend.
The geometry of the pyramid in the Artis Tirma project corresponds to the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops.
Therefore, optimal energy work is possible indoors.
A tunnel connects the pyramid with the adjoining study garden,
as unity and transit between the spiritual and creative forces in man.
It has 65m2 and 7.70m at its highest point.
Stone labyrinth (Click here)
The labyrinth is the place where you are closest to the gods or to yourself.
Labyrinths can teach us and show us the way to Mother Earth and to your interior.
The labyrinth was the first stone intervention in the Artis Tirma area in 2005 designed by Mona Bienek, geomancer,
and carried out by Elvira Isasi, Mona Bienek, Gundula Harlan, Heinz Naesiger and others who participated in its construction.
In the center of the maze there is a spiral that is aligned to the left.
Spirals are an archaic symbol that runs through many cultures and has also been used in the Canaries by the "Guanches" aborigines for ritual acts. The "Guanches" have their origin in the Maghreb and the Atlas region and must be assigned to the tribe of Berbers. According to history, this aborigine was found during the "Conquest" on the islands.
Based on this ancient information, the spiral was turned to the left, creating a connection with Mother Earth and the lower chakras of the visitor to the labyrinth. In the center of the spiral, the "walker" discovers a nautilus shell, buried in the ground and protected with glass so that it is visible. The Nautilus shell, with its beautiful clockwise spiral, serves as a connection to the universe and the higher chakras. Thus, the two spirals become the intersection of the Earth and the Universe and the upper and lower chakras of the Walkers in the Labyrinth.
AS IT IS ABOVE, SO IS BELOW ... this anthroposophic approach and its consideration goes back to Agrippa von Netteheim ...
"The magical science that controls so many powers and possesses a profusion of the most sublime mysteries, encompasses the deepest contemplation of the most hidden things, the power, the substance and the knowledge of all nature."
At the foot of the labyrinth, using it as an entrance, there is a crescent crescent symbol as a sign of femininity,
protective mother who guides us, helps us in our journey step by step;
also to accept our deficiencies, to be able to see our fears and to share our light.
This symbol can also be seen as a boat that takes us to the entrance of the labyrinth.
The boat as a symbol with its archetypal and Christian connotations as an allusion to the archetype of the "ship of the sun", which travels in the myths of humanity, the sun or the moon over the primeval waters. When the sun or the moon sank, the ship led the stars through the underworld, so the ship became the symbol of death - an image of the passage of the deceased to the realm of the dead.
The ship marks the transition, striving towards a goal and a new beginning.
Another symbol that we find at the beginning of the labyrinth is a triangular shape that symbolizes the Caracol mountain.
This mountain on the Artis Tirma area has a geomantic protective function over the house and its inhabitants.
Above the labyrinth is another stone stage, which forms a symbiosis of the outline of the island of Fuerteventura and the fish.
The symbol consists of two curved lines that represent a fish.
It was already used by early Christians as recognition and secret signs: a person drew an arc in the sand,
the other completed the symbol with the counter bow and showed himself as a brother or sister in Christ.
The fish can be archetypally interpreted as a symbol of the hidden, underwater truth, which is to catch it, that is, to bring it to light.
At first it secretly dazzles, it slips easily from the fisherman, it is food.
In the story of Peter's fishing process, Jesus also proves to be a guide to the truth. The symbol refers to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 5.10 EU) "Jesus said to Peter: 'Do not be afraid! You will not fish anymore, but you will win people for me.'
The road inside
Anyone who enters the labyrinth has the opportunity to enter their own interior, away from their surroundings.
There is only one way: often in apparent darkness, but always within the hidden and unknown.
It's about making decisions, but it's important to have the courage, the absolute prerequisite, to reach your own center in the end.
The mystery of man and of being thrown into this world can manifest itself in the complexities of the labyrinth.
Not always knowing what reveals behind the next curve, the man will soon realize that he is on his way on the road of his life. You will notice that you can not only trust yourself when you become aware of your environment.
Disappointing obstacles and seemingly wrong decisions are, in fact, part of the way.
Venus flower
The Flower of Venus project, designed by Margan Kalb, is located on top of Artis Tirma.
Located at the foot of Caracol, it forms a unit with the rest of the rock formations of the place.
The flower of Venus is a perfect and self-contained symbol and resembles a mandala.
The origins probably come from sacred geometry, a symbol that is common to all cultures, and various experiments have shown that the geometries in the golden section are clearly attractive to our sense of beauty.
These geometries have a sustained centering and harmonizing effect on a very deep level of consciousness. The symbol is not only very powerful and effective, but also particularly beautiful to look at.
The flower of Venus is the symbol of love and represents relationships of trust, harmony and femininity.
Las capas del tiempo y el ahora eterno
Also, I was concerned not only with building a stone circle, but also with taking our project into the landscape.
Thus was born the idea of sensitizing the inhabitants of the island during a geomantic trip to Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. My local friends Gundula Harlan in Lanzarote, Elvira Isasi and Maya Widmaier in Fuerteventura should be by my side.
Marko Pogacnik had probably created a lithopuncture project in Tenerife years ago, so it was important for me to work in Fuerteventura because the west coast island near Ajuy has the oldest rock in the Canary Islands. There we were able to connect with the original formations and the wisdom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Fuerteventura is also connected to the black sister island of Lanzarote below sea level, which promised me the "most direct access" to the interior of Mother Earth through its young volcanic activity.
Until the beginning of November everything was ready for Marko Pogacnik to arrive at ARTIS TIRMA with Peter Frank and Johannes Voigt and three other women from Meissler, Margan D. Kalb, Christine Waldburger, Thera Konrad.
It was important to invite as many women as men to our work as it was for the comparison of the most feminine labyrinth and the most masculine stone circle - to achieve an energetic balance.
These were: Margan Dagmar Kalb from Carinthia, who had already worked geomanetically in Lanzarote in 2005, was able to help Marko prepare and support the workshops; Thera Konrad, who had to feel the spiritual qualities and omniscience of the aquatic space as a "woman of water"; and Christina Waldburger, who as half of the South American woman wanted to establish a connection with the American canon.
On the first day of their stay, we also got used to the scenery with this group driving from La Pared on the west coast over the old capital Betancuria to the sacred mountain Tindaya.
The following comments were recorded in writing by Margan Kalb - according to the exploration group.
Artis Tirma's Circle of Geo-puncture is embedded in a vast area called the Temple of the Atlantic Landscape. This is a watery continent, so to speak. In the Canary Islands, the forces fed by the neighboring continents of the Canary Islands are concentrated. Basically, they function as a breathing system that opens into different rooms, levels, and temporal layers. The memory fields of the most ancient cultures, such as Atlantis and Lemuria, are as accessible here as the contemporary and cosmic archetypal spaces. The individual islands also have the following spatial qualities: The Hiero, root with coccyx and seat of the Kundalini; La Gomera, sacral chakra; La Palma, solar plexus; Lanzarote, heart chakra; Fuerteventura, laryngeal chakra with breathing / lung; Gran Canaria, frontal chakra and Ahn - inner world; and finally Tenerife as the crown chakra, with the volcanic mountain Teide almost 4000 m high, also home to the Canarian interdimensional portal.
After this wonderful excursion, the preparation work with the excavator began in Artis Tirma. Under Peter Frank's instructions, our stones were moved into place like a mirror in the labyrinth turning left. The geomancers had chosen the lava stones that would form in the group 3 x 3 plus a huge basalt ball, that is, 10 stones.
Three stones represent the primordial cosmic space. Three more stones represent the sphere of life on the earth's surface. Three stones connect us with the interior of the Earth.
The tenth stone, the basalt ball was placed just outside the other nine stones and resonates with the whole, the divine, the anonymous, the eternal. This stone does not carry a cosmogram, as there can be no image of the divine. The trinity of the stone circle is also wonderfully reflected in the small Holon of Artis Tirma, nurtured by three impressive mountains.
Caracol, Cardon and Tirba.
Later the geomancers visited the places of force on the island to receive a message from them.
These messages were then carved on a stone each in the form of cosmograms. The selected places were: La Pared and the two caves of Ajuy on the west coast; an ancient stone circle near Las Hermosas; the capital of the Pajara district with its two-nave church; the valley of the palm trees; the plateau overlooking the feminine landscape over the valley of the palms; the old capital Betancuria; and the sacred mountain Tindaya. While four Meisslers worked on the inside to complete the stone creations, under Markos and Margans.
The two scheduled conferences and parallel workshops took place in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. The objective was to strengthen and anchor the qualities and energies initiated by the stone laying and the cosmograms on the two islands. With a few Marko students, who had flown in from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, as well as interested islanders / interns, there was a strong enough circle of about 25 people for our geomantic work.
As a complementary program, we visit the impressive fields of scenic power designed by César Manrique, such as the caves of "Las Cuevas Verdes", the cactus garden, the Mirador del Río and the mighty mountains of fire. With Marko we focus mainly on the capital Teguise. We feel Lanzarote as a huge center of the heart that balances like a swing or lemniscate between El Golfo, in the southwest of the island, and El Mirador del Río, in the northeast, around the grail landscape of the ancient capital Teguise, as Turning point. On the other hand, we perceive Fuerteventura as a huge pulmonary system with a visible lung anchored in the subtle world. We feel inhalation in the northern half of the island, exhalation in the southern part of Fuerteventura, partially covered by the sea. The turning point is here in the south, at the narrowest point of the island near La Pared, where during the Guanche period a wall divided Fuerteventura into two kingdoms. Due to their history and the current unawareness about the secret meaning of these geomantically exceptional places, the fulcrums of both islands seemed to us strongly damaged in their function, the subject of both workshops.
Another special feature: Our work was energetically accompanied by a local diving team, also underwater. It is also planned to place a stone reef with a mirror image on the seabed south of the port of Morro Jable. On the evening of November 12, before the full moon in the earth sign Taurus, we celebrated the solemn inauguration of the stone circle at Artis Tirma, under the direction of Pedro Frank. We use a ritual worship game developed by the participants during the two workshops. Both the Canary Islands and the continents bordering the Atlantic Temple were represented and energetically connected by people. Finally, we established a network with other geopoint circles in Tamera / Portugal, Zagreb, Prague, Kentucky and Ljubljana. As a "cosmic reward", a huge sun in rainbow colors underlined the atmosphere of the room during the ceremony. At the same time, the full moon rose over the stones and supported the birth of the stone circle with its soft light.
Mona text Bienek

Cosmograms carried under the sea of Jandía
by Mona Bineck, Bernardo Bineck, Margan Kalb
and the diving team from the Robinson Club, Fuerteventura.
Tara or In the Kingdom of the Goddess with the dog
Geomantic journey to the abodes of the Goddess of Happiness.
Canary Islands: Lanzarote and Fuerteventura
Tara or the divine islands
Tara or the divine islands
Beyond the world of the living
It must be the kingdom of the blessed.
The elyse kingdoms
A sea of lights, a sea of souls
The setting sun leads the way
go up again,
go up gold and orange yellow
Like the golden apple
from Hera's open door, Hesperide Garden Gate,
The entrance to his empire
Cared for by children in the form of a dog
they sound and sing
their soundscapes of love
the cave is the cave of transformation
hell like the underworld of change
and yet real and present with names
the canine islands as an interdimensional portal
the islands of the goddess of the underworld, the depth of the earth
the earthly soul as goddess of memory
born in the new life of love
like an ancient earthly cosmic echo
many names and words quote him
only a few have survived
but call them
takes us to paradise
and in these days and times of knowledge
finally back.
(Margan D. Kalb)
The canine islands, from Perro = can = Canary Islands, primitive Canarian peoples as dog breeders, guard dog of the underworld, like a world where the sun sets, the kingdom of the goddess of the world, the old goddess of the land of the transformation, blacks, the dog as a cave dog in the many caves of the islands, the sunset in the west, the islands, located to the west of the island. At the same time, the bright sun, which, with the light of the afterlife, the light of the golden sun, the Elysian kingdoms, paradise on earth, the garden of the Hera and the Hesperides, the ancient goddess of light and shadows , the power of the two, the two-faced canine goddess, the soul of the earth, with the deep and hidden knowledge of the ancient ....), the islands of the blessed, the souls and our easily defensible looks Avalon or Borondon. And yet extremely real, situated in the Atlantic Ocean and home to the islands of the old matriarchal world.
What has become of them, the seven islands, the seven sisters of the Atlantic, the Pleiades of the earth? Let's visit them, one after another, and ask the goddess Tara for the entrance and the golden apple of love, and let's travel to the West and sing a song of love as guardians of the depths of happiness, taking care of the sound of dogs and elemental forms power. Because the goddess with her dog is still awake and patiently waiting for our coming. He takes us to Artis Tirma, he brings us his Hellstone and as children we build a stone circle out of it and dedicate it to his care on the day of his full moon in November 2008
(Geopuncture Project in Fuerteventura at the Artis Tirma Art Center).

Margan, Gundula, Elvira y Mona
Artis Tirma Geopoint
In geomancy we deal with the subtle levels and dimensions of the earth, people, other beings and existence in general. Geomancy tries to explore the influence of this event on culture, tradition, historical events, social forms, legends and people in their daily lives and to point out the necessary changes or development steps and put them into practice.
People have always been aware of empowering places and landscapes and culturally, they have worshiped and cultivated them as divine. They have gone to magically attractive or illuminated places. They honored subtle and visible landscape forces and phenomena. In this way, they made them more accessible and clearly noticeable. In these sacred places they built their cult centers such as stone circles, temple buildings ..., and more later churches ...
which were then cared for by people with selected rituals.
All stone structures erected by human beings in such places then act as resonating spaces, reinforced by the sacred activity of human beings. Similar to the belly of a guitar as the sounds, music and language of the earth can make sense. The increased vibrations have been consciously integrated into human life and activities.
The ancient stone settlements, especially menhirs and stone circles, as well as labyrinths, were additionally aligned to the cardinal points and to certain stars or star systems (moon, sun, Syrian, Pleiades ...). Thus they formed resonant spaces also for the sounds of the stars and their visual forces that influenced the earth and the information of the spiritual world. In addition to knowledge of the multi-layered nature of life and discussion of cosmic laws, this led to rituals and the observation and interpretation of the stars, the understanding of the interrelationships with certain earthly phenomena, and the fertility of the earth. Similar to the stone circle on earth such a circle of heaven (tyr = rotate, Tyr- = zodiac) was created. Calendar measurements were possible, for example seasonal or lunar / sun eclipse predictions .....
Geo-puncture circles:
Geo-puncture circles are modern stone circles. People of ancient civilizations have built huge circular stone shrines with great effort. This happened from a close relationship with the earth. There was constant communication with the earth in these sacred places created by man, for example in the form of rituals, by certain people such as shamans, priestesses .....
Today's people no longer speak to the earth as in many cultures. We know everything about atoms, the structure of matter, their reactions to each other ... but this understanding of the world is only our own creation. This is not communication with the Earth. We live on earth as in a house where people no longer speak to each other. We no longer have language to speak with elemental beings, with angels ... We only speak the language of man. It is extremely anthropocentric. Everything is falling apart. But everything is very complex, they are supposed to live together. When a wheel in transmission only talks to itself, like a human being, everything falls apart. We see it every day around us when the world collapses. Scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize for clearly identifying when the collapse occurs.
In this way, geo-puncture circles not only contribute to the earth's cosmic self-healing process, but also stimulate emotional, vital-energetic and psycho-spiritual healing processes.
Fuerteventura Geo-point / Artis Tirma-Tarajalejo:
The idea of placing such a stone circle in Fuerteventura on the Kanaran came mainly from Mona Bienek together with Elvira Isasi and Gundula Harlan. After six years of preparing time and space, the project will take place in November 2008. In this way, the Artis Tirma der Kunst art center offers another opportunity to to take on a new task, his new role in the transformation of the earth through the stone cosmograms.
The stones required for the stone laying were brought to the project by Peter Kostelenski as a gift from an ancient volcano near Artis Tirma. They are made partly of hard basalt, interspersed with small lava bubbles.
The large-scale situation:
The Artis Tirma Geopuncture Circle is embedded in a large area, which we call the temple of the Atlantic landscape. In the Canary Islands, the forces are concentrated, fed on the one hand by North and South America, on the other by Europe and Africa, and by the North and South Poles. The individual islands of the Canary Islands have various supra-regional functions. In principle, they act as a respiratory system that opens to different spaces, levels and layers of time as an interdimensional portal. The memory fields of the
Ancient cultures (such as Lemurien, Atlantis ...) from the deep layers of earth consciousness become as accessible as the contemporary and primordial cosmic image spaces. They are kept in balance and exchanged with the cosmos.
The Atlantic region is like an aquatic continent, including the riparian countries. Water / Atlantic is yin continent, mainland is Yang. Yincontinents are not considered, but it is very important. This was not always the case, the earth has developed a balance between land and water.
The Atlantic Landscape Temple consists of two triangles: Greenland - Mexico City pyramidal complex - Pyramids of Giza which one triangle and Rio de Janeiro - South Atlantic - Africa - the second triangle. Among them are the Canary Islands, which are also connected to the Atlas Mountains.
In this great context, Lanzarote provides a huge heart center and earth chakra that balances like a swing or lemniscate between the southwest of the island (El Golfo) and the northeast (Mirador del Río) around the landscape of the grail of the old capital Teguise (it was the objective of the first Lanzarote workshop, see also Margan D.). Veal: "Lanzarote - ideal soil model").
In it, Fuerteventura acts as a huge pulmonary system with a visible lung and a lung anchored in the subtle world.
In both islands (already recognized and ritually attended by the natives) it exercises the power of the two, a harmonious combination of visible and invisible, embodied and not embodied ... The center of the heart around Teguise is the center of Lanzarote, in Fuerteventura the closest island place near La Pared.
Lanzarote, the dark island (black lava) corresponds to the fertile mother earth, which provides us with the fruits of concrete life in Venusian loving energy. Because the island is fertile and still builds land from 200-year-old volcanoes. Fuerteventura is the island of light (bright, almost without vegetation lies the shining rock, the dazzling white beaches ..... which corresponds to the spiritual quality, the goddess of light. It contains the corresponding information from the spiritual world. turning is the small island of Lobos, a mysterious island between the two neighboring sisters, a mysterious island reminiscent of Avalon or the island of Borondon.
Lanzarote gives a topographically symbolic image of a water turtle, which is an ancient Indian, Chinese and ... Symbol for the earth, the divinity of the earth, which is the earth goddess, who creates life from herself and carries it across the ocean of the cosmos, or as a woman giving birth, whose pregnant belly is formed by mountains of fire still hot. Fuerteventura is perceived as a light white goddess or as an enchanted lying green princess of the Atlantic, as a fish that maintains the balance between the forces of inhalation and exhalation or as a cornucopia or as two lung wings.
In the next smaller area to consider (Holon)
the Canary Islands appear like a butterfly (the transformation artist par excellence). The individual islands have the following spatial qualities and tasks: El Hiero root with coccyx and seat of the Kundalini, sacral chakra of La Gomera and sex, solar plexus of La Palma, heart chakra of Lanzarote, laryngeal chakra of Fuerteventura with breathing / lung , chakra of the ancestral world of Gran Canaria and chakra of the forehead and Tenerife as crown chakra also seat of the interdimensional portal of the Canary Islands. This horizontal distribution of the islands is still permeated with vertical information fields: the spiritual interstellar worlds flowing from the cosmos meet the Atlantic Holon with the center of the Canary Islands, and its interdimensional portal and the inner world of Atlantis, and exchange with the inner worlds of the earth and vice versa, respectively.
This interdimensional portal opens into the interior of Atlantis, the ocean of light. It is like a memory of ancient civilizations that have sunk to the depths of the earth, and at the same time it is a carrier of archetypal wisdom. But it is not only pure consciousness, but also fairy-like beings. The technologies, rituals, and culture of bygone ages were also influenced by elemental beings. They record this knowledge within where you live. This knowledge is embodied in some parts of the world and to some extent also in us human beings with each incarnation of us. In this dramatic moment of the collapse of the old earth we need your knowledge. The portals must be open.
Through the stone circle, an impulse is given to open the portal so that an exchange takes place from the inside out and vice versa, the connection is reestablished and the earth stabilizes again.
In the smallest holon
The new stone circle is located in Elvira Isasi's Artis Tirma art center. Here the place is nourished by three surrounding sacred mountains: the first mountain, the Caracol, is located directly behind Artis Tirma in the east, has three peaks and is animated by beings from another time, which is reflected in the yurt of Finca Artis Tirma. Like a goddess whose head has sunk into her chest and sends her energy out into the field in a spherical form, the mountain is experienced or as a huge ball of light, encouraging us to deal with the past to start something new. Ancient knowledge flows in the landscape and it is possible to perceive a kind of luminous image of the island. The second mountain in the west is El Cardón, an ancient cult mountain with Neolithic settlements, and the third mountain is a single ancient volcano to the north of the Finca, Montana Tirba, which acts as a mandala mountain. This trinity of the environment is then reflected in the three times three stones plus the central stone of the geo-puncture circle of Artis Tirma.
Structure of the Artis Tirma Geopuncture Circle:
The placement of the stone was done with 3x3 plus 1, that is, 10 stones. The nine stones are arranged so that they open in a light spiral.
• Three stones represent the primordial cosmic space
• Three more stones represent the sphere of life on the earth's surface
• Three stones connect us with the interior of the Earth.
The three spheres reflect the cosmic trinity, the cyclical nature of being, the feminine aspect of the cosmos, and are again divided into three levels. This holographic view of the world shows the presence of the "goddess" in the landscape through 3x3 layers. The holistic aspect is the primordial cosmic space, the creative-creative aspect corresponds to the sphere of life and the metamorphic aspect to the interior of the earth.
• The tenth stone was placed just outside the other 9 and is in resonance with the totality, the divine, the anonymous, the eternal ... This stone extends the axis between the center of the circle and the Great Whole. We usually place the Divine at the top and matter at the bottom. Here in the stone circle it is inverted, changed, transformed. The Divine does not work cyclically, but is always present at all levels of being, from matter to the angelic dimensions. So the 9th stone is both inside and outside, the center in a circle and the outside and the line.
The 9 stones are interspersed with cosmograms. The development of life follows a certain direction through the ages: the power of Christ, which acts in all times. Cosmograms are created by human participation in the stones, following this process.
The three levels of laying the stone in detail:
1. primordial cosmic space:
a) The first stone of this group of three represents the divine presence, the consciousness that
b) all-encompassing, the cosmic consciousness of Christ, this universal creative power, the crystal skull, which symbolically encompasses the entire universe. The place that resonates with this energy is the sacristy, the Blessed Sacrament in the church of Betancuria, the ancient capital of Fuerteventura, symbolized by the independent child Jesus, El Niño (see also the Christian parable of Jesus: "I and the Father are one "). The corresponding cosmogram is designed by Marko and sculpted by him trying to express this interstellar Christ consciousness.
a) The second stone represents divine love, the cosmic ray of love. The loving power of the universe is like a touch that takes place at each moment like a column from above with a strong but gentle force. Thus the earth becomes the space of reality, a life full of love, life as an expression of this love. The earth begins to carry this quality outwards. The place that resonates with this energy is the ancient sacred mountain of the natives of Fuerteventura, the Tindaya in the north of the island. The cosmogram for this stone was designed and carved by Margan. It activates the opening of the heart by touching the cosmic ray of love, making man himself a radiant place of love and mercy and helping to bring him to the world with human feet, for example (see also ancient Neolithic rock paintings of feet in the Tindaya caves ).
b) The third stone reminds us that stellar waves influence the development cycles of the earth. Their rhythmically acting pictorial forces sink deep into the earth like dragon songs, flow through and animate them. If we are well grounded, then we also have a good connection with the spiritual world, then the spiritual essence touches us through the earth, outside the earth. The place that resonates with him is a plateau above the valley of the palm tree, Vega de Río Palmas. A rock formation similar to a cosmic urei is the focus of this consciousness. The associated cosmogram was designed and chiseled by Johannes to integrate this event more strongly into consciousness.
2. Interior of the earth:
These are the archetypal layers of earth consciousness. It also transports ancient civilizations that have retired to an inner earthly universe. The worlds of the center of the earth are represented as a terrible place. In religious conceptions, the atonement for our sins, the dreaded universal hell, must take place here. In scientific conceptions, the center of the earth is an unbearably heated space, a liquid or gaseous nickel / iron core. Both attitudes deny the divine nature of the core of the earth, being Earth. It is concentrated on the surface of the earth. This keeps us superficial. The process of becoming human, however, involves recognizing the true function and meaning of these spaces, this inner universe as well. For example, these layers can be experienced as Armenti rooms, transformation rooms (space for post-death processes). This has nothing to do with Christian punishment in hell. Furthermore, the voice of Gaia emanates from the depths of the land of love and wisdom. He sends us messages from his sphere of consciousness (see crop circles or Atlantic, Lemurian knowledge) to facilitate the next processes of change. It is a relationship with the core of the earth to recognize Gaia as a divine angelic being.
a) The first stone of this group of three stones puts us in contact with the soul of the earth, which works through the essence, the heart of the ocean, here the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean meets the land with its primal power. The unconscious connects with the knowledge of the earth. The place with the greatest relationship with the Atlantic is in Fuerteventura Le Pared, in Lanzarote is El Golfo to the west of the island. The corresponding cosmogram is developed and carved by Christine. This helps the soul of the earth to reflect itself through the consciousness of Christ. The earth acquires a very strong identity (called Gaia for example).
b) The second stone corresponds to the shaping subconscious of the earth. It is like an archetype for the earth as paradise. The world of fairies from the center of the earth, for example, works in it to maintain this image and deliver it to the outside world. Past civilizations are also involved, which dived into the depths of the earth and became a part of the memory of the earth that is accessible to us again today, a spiritual reality, as a living experience of the soul of the earth. . Or as another image: Christ and Gaia build their relationship, so to speak, certain forms, ideal archetypes of life, develop (animals, plants, ideal human being = Adam Kadmon ...). Here we find two associated places in Fuerteventura, the Caracol, where Marko finds the entrance to the world of fairies, and the first round cave of Ajuy, which makes the essence of Lemuria accessible. In Lanzarote we find an ideal place in the ancient extinct volcano of La Eremita de las Nieves in the north of the island and its caves. The fairies ride here on the back of the volcano dragon, so to speak, guarding the dragon powers of the earth. The stone's cosmogram was designed and carved by Marko. A triangle and a square carved in the lava basalt, normally incompatible forms, open the entrance to the world of the fairies from the interior of the earth, which endures as a memory of the Lemurian civilization in the inner universe.
c) The third stone represents the primordial power of the earth. But it is not yet embodied, but rather designed as a field of consciousness. Water and land meet, they become resonating spaces that form and exchange information. Over times, millions of years a selection is made, which becomes experiences with certain archetypes, if life falls apart again, sometimes discarded, sometimes transmitted. The result is constant change. It is a reference to Atlantic knowledge. We found a suitable place in the second elongated cave of Ajuy / Fuerteventura, in Lanzarote in Los Hervideros, near the salt flats. The cosmogram chiseled and developed Johannes to make this third aspect of the earthly soul visible and help activate it.
3. Sphere of life on the earth's surface:
This level represents society.
a) The first stone of this cycle symbolizes the cultural conformation of the landscape: the primordial power of the earth is being transformed into concrete energies that promote life, into vital sexual forces. The geomantic systems of the landscape have been created. The land is culturally and religiously transformed, the quality of the red goddess of fertility becomes visible. It is the goddess behind the goddess behind the goddess behind the goddess ... it becomes his back and at the same time he looks forward, he becomes the universe itself ... Shadow consciousness and the ancestral world strengthen our backs. We found a place or church, Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Regla in Pajara. It is built as a double church, a first entrance represents the visible world, the consciousness of the day, and is decorated with many different cultural symbols, which give an impression of how consciousness intersperses culture. The second entrance of the church is not adorned, it corresponds to the shadow aspect and shows how we perceive and treat it today. Also inside the church, this power of the two is formed by two statues of the Virgin Mary. The radiant and magical White Madonna, standing on the crescent moon, shows daytime consciousness, the Black Madonna, on the other hand, represents the world of the ancestors and our dark aspects. The key to creativity is the synthesis of opposites. The cosmogram designed and sculpted by Peter wants to reactivate this connection. The stone and the cosmogram are placed in the geo-puncture circle to one side of the three interstitial stones.
b) The second stone represents the creative creative powers that are possible after the preceding fertilization, the very concrete realization by the goddess of abundance. The life-giving goddess, working from the earth, brings the cosmic archetypes that act from on high to manifestation. In the valley of the palm trees under the Río de las Palmas plateau we find the corresponding place in Fuerteventura. It is a female sanctuary of nature, a sanctuary of the goddess, where the creative forces of nature rule with the participation of the entire elemental world. The cosmogram, designed and sculpted by Thera, makes this birth of life, the mother who conceives and creates, visible and strengthens the potentials of feminine cosmic creation, which are quite repressed in a culture of exaggerated Yang and that even today they are poorly respected. The stone and the cosmogram are located in the geo-puncture circle next to the three primordial cosmic stones.
The third and central stone of the round of 9 geopuncture stones now combines these qualities and represents society as a whole, since the cosmic impulses are expressed concretely in the sense of the development of life. The 9 stones are not arranged hierarchically in the geo-point, the stones of the depth of the earth as the lowest, etc ... but rather move in a circle around this central stone.
The main feminine quality of the landscape of Fuerteventura is expressed in the circular shape
(or arranged as a light spiral) of the geo-point.
The associated town on the island is therefore also a place with ancient stone circles, Las Hermosas. The circles lie at the foot of Montana Cardon and are fed by a trinity of surrounding mountains. They are ancient places of worship for the native inhabitants of Fuerteventura. The cosmogram for this most powerful of the nine stones was designed as a medallion by Thera, Christine, and Peter and carved by Peter.
4. The stone for the whole
This stone placed just outside the other 9 stalls represents how everything forms a unit. Therefore, it does not carry a cosmogram, since it is complete in itself and the divine, the eternal is also inexpressible or indescribable. There can be no image of the divine.
The placement of the geopuncture stones thus resembles in its entirety a circle with a longitudinal axis, a mirror with a handle, a circle that opens to the whole, and surprisingly similar to the structure of the capital of Atlantis, Poseidonia, that Plato has transmitted to us.
Staraquantis underwater geopuncture
During the trip to a huge exhalation center in Morro Jable, Margan had the urge to swim in the water. When she submerged, they contacted the underwater creatures and thus the impulse arose in her to establish a geo-point also underwater.
Caravan park

El estacionamiento de la caravana fue creado para estar cerca de la energía de la montaña "El Caracol". Este consta de cuatro caravanas, dispuestas en un semicírculo a dicha montaña, una amplia cocina abierta con sala de estar y un baño compartido. Artis Tirma ofrece con esta instalación un alojamiento a voluntarios, tales como los de la organización Workaway. Estos voluntarios son considerados "buenos espíritus". Como intercambio, se le ofrecerá comida y alojamiento, y la oportunidad de conocer la isla, su idioma y cultura. Todo esto al pie de la montaña "El Caracol", que protege la finca con su gran y majestuosa forma y hace cercana y fuerte la conexión con la Madre Tierra.
Delante del parque de caravanas se realizó un jardín de piedras, que se abre a un gran badén que se llena de agua durante las fuertes lluvias trayendo barro y arcilla lavada que baja de la montaña. Esta arcilla se puede usar de diversas formas, como material de construcción o para la purificación y curación del cuerpo.

All energy production and consumption is based on environmentally friendly concepts.
With the help of wind and solar energy, a self-sufficient system has been created.
The supply of water and the use of recycled water is an important part of this concept to create a garden for the farm in the desert. Another important aspect is nutrition: for the supply on a biological basis, a cycle was created with gardens for vegetables, herbs and other crops. This concept allows an optimal use of the resources of the Estate.